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Kam Aggarwal: Success Triads

Hi, I’m Kam Aggarwal and I welcome you to Success Triads! In early 2020, the world was struck by something unprecedented. If you’re thinking about COVID-19, then you’re spot on. As the world economy is experiencing a steep decline, it’s become critical for businesses to pivot and scale in order to survive. I want to be there to help you through this journey. Empowered by my mission to help small businesses thrive, not just survive through these turbulent times, I created Success Triads in April 2020. 
Born in the 70’s, I did everything that was expected of a daughter by an Indian middle class family. However, I had a geeky technology bug in me, which led me to pursue an unconventional career for women in the early 90’s. Yup! I became that geeky Computer Engineer.
I was hired as the very first and only (at the time) female employee in a software development firm in 1995. After that, there was no looking back.
Over the course of last two decades I have managed development of Retail, Financial, Medical, Supply Chain and School Management Softwares for companies like General Electric, Oracle and Target. 
In 2010, I began my entrepreneurial journey and created two businesses. I quickly understood that running a business without the support and structure of corporate makes it very hard for small businesses to scale and be successful.
Did you know that 1 out of 5 small business fail in the first year and nearly half of them fail by the fifth year ( US Department of labor and statistics, 2019)?  The top reasons why businesses fail are because they don’t investigate the market, they have a poor business plans, and lack online presence and marketing.
Marketing is a crucial component of businesses success. Startups often get caught up in product development and business operations, which leaves marketing as an after thought. 
I founded Success Triads in March 2020, with a mission to help small business owners be successful. Your success is my success.
Having run multiple small businesses, I understand your struggle of wearing multiple hats. If you are tired of being the content creator, graphics designer, financial manager and much, much more; you have come to the right place. I have been the solo-prenuer responsible for all aspects of the business and completely understand how hard it can be. However, it doesn’t have to be this challenging to grow and scale businesses.
When you don’t have the support of a huge team, lean-in to tools and automation to fuel your growth and scale your business better and faster. That’s why I created Success Triads. We are here to help ease your stress of marketing and scaling a business by providing simple technical solutions.
My goal is to simplify technology into three to five steps, in order to empower entrepreneur’s to scale their business. Join me in this journey as I build these solutions for my business and provide you the support and knowledge to do the same for yours.
Click below to find out about our founding member launch program and lets fuel our growth.
I can’t wait to see you on the other side!